About Me

Hi I am NIU XuezhiIt pronounces like “She+ü+bed judge”. :wave:,

I am a first year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Uppsala University Cyber-physical Systems Lab and supervised by Prof. Didem Gürdür Broo and Prof. Ginevra Castellano. My research interests lie in robotics. As a Mechatronics graduate with a strong mechanical background. I have a strong background in designing and developing complex systems that integrate mechanical, electronic and software components. Experienced in interdisciplinary collaboration and leading teams to achieve project milestones. Proficient in C/C++, Matlab, Python. proficient in design and analysis using SolidWorks, AutoCAD, MATLAB, ROS and other software. Expertise in hardware development, 3D printing and PCB design. Fluent in English and Chinese.

Link to my CV.

Programming Skills









Other Skills

Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Illustrator


<small> Uppsala University </small>

Uppsala University

2024 — present

Ph.D. Student, Embedded Systems in Division of Computer Systems
Doctoral Student, Cyber Physical Systems Lab

<small> KTH Royal Institute of Technology </small>

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

2023 — 2021

I wrote my Master's thesis on Optimal Gait Control of Soft Quadruped Robot by Model-based Reinforcement Learning under the guidance of Prof. Lei Feng and supervised by Kaige Tan

<small> City University of Hong Kong </small>

City University of Hong Kong

2021 — 2017

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